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Cause Of The Northern Lights

Northern Lights: A Spectacular Celestial Display

Cause of the Northern Lights

The enigmatic beauty of the northern lights, also known as the aurora borealis, is an awe-inspiring celestial spectacle. This natural phenomenon is caused by the interaction of charged particles from space with the Earth's atmosphere. When high-energy electrons collide with oxygen atoms in the upper atmosphere, they excite the atoms, causing them to emit photons of light in various colors.

Unveiling Secrets with NASA Satellites

Recently, a team of researchers utilized a fleet of five NASA satellites to unravel the intricacies of the northern lights. The satellites, collectively known as the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission (MMS), have been orbiting the Earth since 2015, gathering unprecedented data on the behavior of charged particles in the magnetosphere, the region surrounding our planet where the Earth's magnetic field interacts with solar wind.
