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Quiet Quitting

Quiet Quitting: Gen Z's Response to the Post-COVID-19 Workplace

What is Quiet Quitting?

Quiet quitting is a term coined to describe a recent trend among young Gen Z workers who have opted to withdraw from the traditional work ethic by doing only the bare minimum required in their roles. This behavior is a departure from the hustle culture that has been prevalent in recent years and signals a shift in priorities for this generation.

Underlying Factors

The factors driving quiet quitting among Gen Z workers are multifaceted and include:

  • Burnout from the pandemic: The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a significant toll on the mental and emotional well-being of workers, leading to increased stress and exhaustion.
  • Rejection of hustle culture: Gen Z workers have witnessed the negative consequences of過度工作 on older generations and are hesitant to sacrifice their personal lives for their careers.
  • Re-evaluation of work-life balance: The pandemic has forced many workers to rethink their priorities and place a greater emphasis on personal fulfillment outside of work.

Quiet Quitting vs. Resignation

While quiet quitting may seem like a form of resignation, it is important to note the distinction between the two. Quiet quitters are not necessarily unhappy with their jobs or planning to leave their positions. Rather, they are choosing to redefine their expectations andboundaries within their roles.

Is Quiet Quitting Lazy?

Some may view quiet quitting as a form of laziness, but this is an oversimplification. Quiet quitters are not simply refusing to work. They are simply choosing to prioritize their own well-being and set realistic limits on their work effort. This behavior can actually lead to increased productivity and job satisfaction in the long run.

Setting Healthy Boundaries

Quiet quitting can be a healthy way for workers to establish clear boundaries and protect their mental and physical health. By setting limits on their work effort, they can reduce stress and prevent burnout. This approach can also create a more sustainable work environment that benefits both the employee and the organization.
